We need to talk about the infamous 75 Hard challenge

Sure, it has gained popularity and sparked the fire in many to push their limits, but let's take a moment to dissect this seemingly hardcore challenge and see if it aligns with our values of sustainable progress and embracing imperfection.

The 75 Hard challenge may appear enticing with its strict rules and promises of transforming your body and mindset. However, let's be real—this challenge can sometimes perpetuate toxic fitness industry mindsets. It emphasizes extreme discipline, deprivation, and an "all-or-nothing" mentality, which can lead to burnout, unsustainable habits, and negative self-image.

At Movement, we believe in a different approach: the Progress Challenge. It's about finding progress that lasts without sacrificing your well-being. We prioritize balance, self-compassion, and a holistic view of health. We're not here to push you to the brink, but to support you in creating sustainable habits and embracing imperfection.

Unlike the 75 Hard challenge, our Progress Challenge focuses on gradual, realistic changes that fit your lifestyle. We understand that progress is not a linear path, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. We encourage you to listen to your body, practice self-care, and find joy in the process.

With the Progress Challenge, we provide a supportive community, personalized guidance, and a variety of resources to help you achieve your goals. We believe in celebrating small victories, building habits that stick, and creating a healthy, balanced life that extends far beyond a 75-day timeframe.

So, if you're tired of the unsustainable grind and seeking a more compassionate and realistic approach to fitness, join us in the Progress Challenge. Let's redefine what progress truly means and embrace the journey of sustainable growth, self-discovery, and overall well-being.

  • The 75 Hard challenge is a popular fitness challenge that focuses on strict rules and intense discipline for 75 consecutive days. It aims to transform your body and mindset through extreme commitment.

    On the other hand, the Progress Challenge is a holistic approach to sustainable progress that prioritizes balance, self-compassion, and embracing imperfection. It focuses on gradual, realistic changes that fit your unique lifestyle and aims for progress that lasts beyond a specific timeframe.

  • While the 75 Hard challenge can deliver remarkable results for some individuals, it's important to be aware of it’s potential downsides.

    The challenge emphasizes extreme discipline, deprivation, and an "all-or-nothing" mentality, which can lead to burnout, unsustainable habits, and negative self-image. It's crucial to approach the challenge with caution, listen to your body, and prioritize your overall well-being.

  • The 75 Hard challenge might appeal to individuals who are already in the Challenger, Conductor or Wildfire positions of their progress journey. These individuals have a solid foundation and can handle the demands of a challenging program.

    However, if you find yourself in the Seeker or Strategist position, it's important to approach progress with mindfulness and balance. Seekers and strategists should be cautious about taking on extreme challenges as it can put them at risk of overcommitting, burnout, or may not align with their current priorities. The Progress Challenge, on the other hand, offers a more gradual and sustainable approach to progress for individuals in these positions.

  • The Progress Challenge offers a supportive community, personalized guidance, and a wealth of resources to help you achieve your goals.

    We celebrate the small victories and focus on creating sustainable habits that fit your lifestyle. You'll embark on a transformative journey that prioritizes progress that lasts, self-acceptance, and overall well-being.

  • Stay tuned for upcoming details about the Progress Challenge and how you can join. We'll provide step-by-step guidance, personalized support, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Together, we'll redefine what progress means and embrace the journey of sustainable growth.

Remember, progress should uplift you, not break you. Join us in the Progress Challenge and let's create a fitness culture that promotes long-term success, self-acceptance, and a healthier, happier you!

Keep moving, keep embracing imperfection, and let's make progress together.

Alex Dingley